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Snowflake’s AI Partnerships with Tech Giants


Snowflake Inc. is making headlines in cloud software as it continues to build hype around its artificial-intelligence capabilities. On Monday night, the company announced its partnership with Nvidia Corp. to help businesses customize AI models that would keep proprietary data safe. Earlier that day, Snowflake also had revealed its collaboration with Microsoft Corp. to bring generative AI to its Data Cloud platform, connecting the company to OpenAI.

These partnerships with industry giants Nvidia, Microsoft, and OpenAI are certainly turning heads. And Snowflake CEO Frank Slootman added them at Snowflake’s Summit 2023 event in Las Vegas, where Nvidia’s own CEO Jensen Huang joined Slootman in a fireside chat.

According to Huang: “A large language model turns any data knowledge base into an application.” To which Slootman added, “The intelligence is in the data.”

While ChatGPT may be popular, companies concerned about proprietary information need not worry. Snowflake’s partnership with Nvidia provides an alternative that allows data to be forgotten after use, unlike ChatGPT.

Snowflake is definitely making waves in bringing AI capabilities to cloud software, and their partnerships with tech giants only show their commitment to providing the best services for businesses.

Snowflake Teams up with Microsoft for Generative AI

Samsung Electronics Co. experienced data control issues earlier this year when engineers pasted confidential lines of code into ChatGPT, an AI that owns the data once it enters its “brain.” In response, the electronics company has now banned the use of ChatGPT due to privacy concerns.

To address these issues and provide better AI services, Snowflake has partnered with Microsoft Corporation to use their NeMo framework for AI developers. NeMo allows Snowflake’s customers to create custom large-language models (LLMs) for generating content such as chatbots, search, summarization, and more. The best part? Customers can keep their proprietary information secure by customizing LLMs without ever having to leave Snowflake’s platform.

According to Manuvir Das, head of Nvidia’s enterprise computing business, Snowflake’s use of NeMo ensures that customers are in control of their data. The process of creating LLMs is akin to copy and paste; once a customer enters data, they create a copy of the original AI model and proceed to customize it by adding more data while retaining full governance of their information. Try out Snowflake’s custom LLMs to experience the benefits of advanced generative AI services!

Nvidia and Snowflake partner on AI initiatives

Nvidia Corp. NVDA, +3.28% and data-warehousing company Snowflake Inc. SNOW, -1.70% announced a new partnership on Monday to help organizations tap into the potential of AI. The alliance is designed to enable Snowflake’s customers to unlock insights hidden in their data with Nvidia’s computing platform.

NeMo, Nvidia’s toolkit for building conversational AI applications, is being used by multiple companies to create custom models for customers. The partnership between Nvidia and Snowflake builds on NeMo’s capabilities by combining them with Snowflake’s cloud platform, which is designed to support secure data sharing between organizations.

One of the benefits of the partnership, according to Nvidia Vice President Manuvir Das, is that Snowflake’s customers will be able to train their own models using Nvidia’s technology without having to give up their data. Das explained: “Effectively, there’s now a copy of the model, and that copy only belongs to that customer. Nothing that is happening in that copy is going back into the original foundation model.”

Snowflake’s market cap was already over $100 billion at the time of their 2020 IPO, and the company recently gained further investment from Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway. Meanwhile, Nvidia shares have remained strong throughout the year, with a 178% increase in value. The partnership with Snowflake should help solidify the company’s position as a top performer in the field of AI.

Nvidia Partners with Snowflake for AI Technology

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