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Interview – Jason Woods


Jason Woods

Chief technical officer

Few people notice that the development of technology is gradually changing our way of life. If you think about it, you can understand how significant these changes have become. This evolution has reached all spheres of human activity. To appreciate its impact on the processes that occur every day, you need to look carefully at the various daily activities. However, to assess global changes, it is necessary to know the opinion of experts. One is Mr. Jason Woods, representing TechBerry and holding the position of Chief technical officer.

– Hello Mr. Woods. Let’s start our conversation with a question about the changes that have taken place in the world over the past decades. What is their scale?

– The first question immediately raises global topics. Okay, the world has changed a lot. If we look around, we will see cars without drivers, robots delivering food, and many things. In addition, we should remember the attempts of people to get to Mars and establish a colony there. It was impossible to imagine all of the above just a few years ago, but this is our reality. So it’s up to TechBerry to keep pace with these changes.

– How do you want to see future changes?

– Speaking about me, I realized that I could achieve more just by looking at my phone. Now it has so many applications that help us cope with everyday activities that it’s hard even to imagine. However, the Apollo 11 mission members had nothing of the kind. Nevertheless, they achieved their goal, so why should I do otherwise, owning modern technology and more opportunities?

– There needed to be something to compare with the quality of their tasks. In your case, many examples need to be surpassed.

– You think correctly. In the case of TechBerry, it is essential to find out of hundreds of keys, the only one that can open all doors for us. To do this, you need to have openness and flexibility in thinking. I love the freedom of action. Therefore, for me, any examples of our competitors are nothing more than another landmark on the way to the final goal. If you think differently, then you will lose yourself in a cage. In such cases, I like the example of cars. They were invented many years ago, but their principle of operation and purpose have remained the same for decades. Did that stop them from upgrading? Of course not. Thanks to the development of this direction, we can drive electric cars and use cars with a hybrid or hydrogen engine. The basis has remained the same, and changes have occurred in everything else. It was enough to look at the car from different angles to do this.

– Does TechBerry work like this?

– Yes. We are constantly introducing new solutions that allow us to combine the best practices and experience gained in the financial sector. The latter is the most challenging direction; only the best specialists can understand its nuances. However, with the help of TechBerry products, it is possible to simplify all these things and make them accessible to everyone. This allows you to open many boarded-up doors and find innovative solutions for every situation.

– What is the basis of all this? Do you use any programs, artificial intelligence, or other famous inventions of recent years?

– TechBerry always independently chooses the direction of movement and never turns off the path. This distinguishes us from competitors who use legal developments that everyone can implement in their work. We aim to create new products, which will be impossible to find analogs. To do this, the TechBerry team puts its soul into the work, which allows you to get top-level results.

We hate the standard templates that competitors follow. This is not our way. We will not go straight if there is an alternative. I like all this. This gives a specific variability and allows, sooner or later, to achieve outstanding success. Thanks to this approach, we have a compelling product in which traders with different skill levels are interested. In it, we combine the capabilities of people and machines, thereby achieving maximum productivity.

– If I understood you correctly, then you use the union of a person and a computer?

It isn’t correct to give such a definition. TechBerry occupies a unique niche in which it takes much work to become successful. This is due to the presence of many factors that interfere with achieving positive results. Nothing good will come if you combine them and subordinate them to a single rule. Therefore, the only thing left for us is to simultaneously use human knowledge and a computer’s computational, analytical, and technical capabilities. If we combine these things correctly, we will get an independent system that can successfully function offline.

– Difficult, but very impressive.

– So that you can now say such words about TechBerry products, we had to work very hard. However, all the effort and time spent was not in vain. We have created a truly fantastic product that we can be proud of. For me, what is more, important is not a system that works with high efficiency but an open Universe with unlimited possibilities for further development. It is intriguing and helps to perform complex work daily with great pleasure.

– Please say the same thing, only in simpler words.

– No problem. Let’s compare our product with the system created in the movie “Moneyball.” This is only a partially accurate comparison, but it is clear enough. In this film, ordinary people were able to change their approach to the game of baseball. They managed to subordinate it to a particular system, where the most important is the human factor. Basically, we did the same.

– Last question. Is work all you have, or is there time in your life for other things?

– I am involved in work almost 24 hours a day, so I have very little time for other things. However, I am a happy person. I work for a cutting-edge company and interact daily with the extraordinary individuals who drive TechBerry forward. Everyone on our team strives for excellence, which is why we see an open space ahead of us to fill in the coming years. Such a tremendous amount of work is sometimes scary. However, I am not afraid of new challenges and know I can always count on the team’s support. I promise that soon we will surprise you even more.

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