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G20 Leaders Triple Renewable Energy, Increase Climate Change Funds


The Group of 20 (G20) leaders have recently reached an agreement to triple renewable energy efforts and work towards increasing funds for climate change-related disasters. Despite this, there was no significant progress in terms of phasing out coal, which continues to contribute to carbon emissions.

During a news conference following the G20 leaders’ announcement, Amitabh Kant, a senior Indian government official leading the negotiations, hailed the agreement as “probably the most vibrant, dynamic, and ambitious document on climate action.” While some climate and energy experts were not as enthusiastic, they acknowledged that the G20 leaders had conveyed a powerful message about climate action, particularly in light of the escalating frequency of natural disasters such as extreme heat.

Even prior to the summit, the G20 climate ministers struggled to come to a consensus on various issues. However, global leaders and climate experts believe that the declaration has propelled the conversation forward and set the stage for an ambitious climate agreement at the upcoming global climate conference, COP28, in Dubai later this year. Sultan al-Jaber, who will preside over the climate summit, emphasized the significance of this declaration because these 20 countries are responsible for 80% of global emissions.

While many commend the G20’s commitment to renewable energy targets, some climate activists argue that it falls short in addressing the root cause – our global reliance on fossil fuels. Harjeet Singh of Climate Action Network International expressed this concern, suggesting that more needs to be done beyond renewable energy targets.

Overall, the G20 leaders’ agreement signifies progress in some areas of climate action but also highlights the need for further efforts in reducing dependency on fossil fuels. The global community awaits further actions and initiatives that will contribute to a sustainable future.

G20 Countries Urged to Take Action on Global Coal Power Plants

A recent report by Global Energy Monitor reveals that the G20 countries are responsible for 93% of currently operating coal power plants worldwide. Moreover, these nations also account for 88% of newly proposed coal power plants that lack carbon capture technologies.

Singh, an experienced international climate negotiator, emphasizes the need for rich countries within the G20 group to lead by example and actively contribute to creating a greener and more equitable future. Singh has been closely monitoring climate negotiations for over two decades.

Significantly, the G20 countries have finally reached an agreement on the financial requirements needed to transition to clean energy. The document highlights the necessity for developing countries to secure a massive $5.9 trillion by 2030 in order to achieve their climate goals. Additionally, an annual investment of $4 trillion will be indispensable throughout the coming decade if these nations are to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

While this G20 summit has witnessed some notable achievements, disappointingly, the member nations could not reach a consensus on phasing out fossil fuels. Energy analyst Madhura Joshi from the climate think tank E3G emphasizes the urgent need for leaders to take bold actions simultaneously in increasing renewable energy sources and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Joshi highlights the upcoming COP28 as a crucial moment when leaders will be put to the test – can they deliver on their promises?

Let us eagerly watch as the world looks towards the G20 for leadership and solutions in tackling climate change.

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